Monday, September 12, 2005


Well, here I am again ... writing blogs. I thought I will be loyal to this one profession I have discovered, namely, blogging for some time now!
Speaking of loyalty, I wanted to put my thoughts down about a film I watched's called "Closer". I am sure many people have watched it by now, what with all the plethora of the accomplished cast of the movie. But all that the movie left me was a feeling of bitterness, a feeling of immature selfishness and that of temptation on the loose. Is it really impossible to love without being selfish? By "being in love", I'm encompassing a wide range of emotions, including close friendships (and not necessarily "romantic love"). I have heard many cynics saying that when people are in a relationship (or "in love"), they are actually satisfying their own egos; "being in love" is another expression of their love for their ownself, their attempt at up-holding their own self esteem through the emotions of the one they "love". Well, I am digressing (as usual :))...the cynicism of the director is all too evident throughout the movie. "Dan", the man who wanted to love was the loser..he lost the one who loved him and also the one whom he loved...the classic loser so to say. But, somehow I couldn't sympathize with him, even though I could see him trying to get back the broken pieces together. Am I too turning cynical? Maybe.. But, I realized that I still naively believe in retribution (remembering Alice/Jane's tearful pleas and innocent love making). What a contrast it was...a naive and innocent Alice/Jane against the sophisticated and independent Anna. By the end of the movie, I felt how easy it is to deceive and manipulate; however, to me, deception is akin to bartering away a piece of your soul (strong words, huh!?).
Well, it wasn't a very positive movie on love and relationship; I, however, think that many people might think this is the future of all relationships to come. Maybe, I am a terribly old-fashioned monogamist; maybe, I still believe that trust and faith are the two infallible pillars to any relationship. And maybe, I am a sucker for losers!


Blogger Swati said...

As one friend said "loving some one is different from being 'in love' with someone. The latter is just pure magic." I had experienced that magic & knew when I had been in love.

But, this blog brings up an interesting question. Can being "in love" mean something other than "romantic love"? Well, if so, I'm now very unsure about how many time I have fallen in love!!

1:41 PM  

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