Saturday, August 13, 2005


well, the blog bug got to me finally. Saw some interesting and not-so-interesting blogs set up by friends and thought why not me. This is a very good alternative way of talking to oneself and others (you know what I mean!).
Well, the one bug that's under my skin right now is staying alone in an US city. Is it worth it? I sometimes think what are the prices for individual it different between a man and a woman? Does every woman feel vulnerable at her workplace and her personal environs? Is this the way evolution has shaped everything? This amazes me because nature (or the forces of evolution) has been so near perfect with everything why do we still not have gender equality. Oh well, gender benders all around :)
This does not mean that my life is bleak and dreary with hours spent of lone musings. Life has been pretty good till now; of course, I have had my share (and more; I love cribbing :)) of misfortunes, malaise and what may you. But, I feel that life has a meaning and living it everyday is the answer to it. I don't mean that you should just live (sort of like veggie) but live with a purpose. So, what's mine (I can see the arced smile)?


Blogger Swati said...

gender equality:
Nature had to have difference between genders / sexes to ensure sexual reproduction which includes some reshuffling of genetic material leading to adaptation & evolution. But the gender inequality I believe is a creation of mankind (& I mean man = male to a great extent). There is a pioneering book on this by Riane Eisler: The Chalice & the Blade. It talks about how civilization started out with a lot of respect for women, how it changed & how there's still hope.

Other things is that I personally feel that women need more empathy & companionship than men. Also (needless to say) they are more capable of providing the same. In all cultures, eastern or western, men are discouraged to feel & express. So as a result I think loneliness / solitude such as you are facing & me too to some times, affact women more than men in similar situation. I recently finished (after several years) another book Undoing Depression (forgot the author name) which talks a lot about the varyng needs & differences between men & women towards the end. Found it very interesting & learnt quite a bit as a women about how things work inside a male brain!

1:58 PM  

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